Thursday, May 7, 2015


Peace, not just the sign or the two fingers you stick up in a dorky snap chat ( don't worry we all do that). The feeling of ease and calmness. In the bible it speaks of peace that surpasses all understanding . Struggling with anxiety, I find myself forgetting that five letter word. Whenever I truly find that peace it doesn't come from the amount of clothes I buy, the yoga and exercise I do, the amount I sleep. These such things numb the pain for a short while. When I truly am at my wits end and pretty much at my breaking point I find my peace in Jesus. Why is it we fight what we know we need from the beginning? A lot of times I find myself planning my life out and pushing things in the way I believe they should run. Heck, of you would have asked me when I graduated high school I would have thought I would at least be engaged by now. Thankfully by the power of God I am not. If my way did exist I would have miserable wishing I had these few beautiful years to find myself. God knows our hearts but he also knows exactly what is best. He knows our hearts because he created them. The verse that comes to mind is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. My path as of right now is unbeliable crooked but faith produces that peace. I have peace knowing God has his hand on my life. Why shall I worry? 

& jamie

Friday, April 17, 2015

Well Hello There

Good day, welcome to my world! I'm Jamie, a twenty year old dreamer. I have had many attempts to the blogging lifestyle but this one is going to stick. I can feel it. I guess I will start from the beginning.  I was born in a rather large city in Southern California. If you couldn't tell I am a natural born Cali girl but the east coast has imprinted me pretty well. I reside here on ye' old east coast now. I definitely was born with an adventurous soul. As I grew up my grandparents took me on many trips to places like the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, etc. We never stayed put; hence why I have such a hard time staying put now. I love day trips because there is so much to see at the tips of our finger tips that we never knew was available to us.  Of course the California still runs in my blood so I try to visit as often as I can. I am a music lover. I would not be able to survive without lyrics and rhythm. I myself am tone deaf, but I have the gift of listening. I love classic rock  (Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Etc.). I do indeed have a vinyl player that I was given as a gift for christmas one year. I spend time thrifting for records. You would be suprised I have found quite a few good finds. I am an avid bargain shopper. Fashion is every where and I appreciate every single part of it. At a very young age I was picking out my own outfits and trying to see what could work. I get one item in my head, and I search and search till I find it at a decent price.  I love to take pictures, capture moments that last a lifetime. I  have done a wedding, family photos, new born photos, life photos. I appreciate the beauty in making somebody smile for years to come. I am a barista. I love coffee and I love to make it. I would say some of my meals turn out to be coffee throughout the day. My best friend of six years just left for the army a couple months ago and life is weird without her. We send letters back and forth but its not the same as laughing till we kill over here. I am a believer. I believe in Jesus, I believe that He loves me and thats why I get up in the morning. I believe in redemption and grace. My life has been one heck of a roller coaster but I would not have it any other way. At the end of the day I am so blessed to have a Savior who is looking out for me and His will. The verse that really speaks to me, " In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9 . We can plan all we want but its in the good Lords timing. Faith in Him that it will all work out, it takes patience but in the end that faith it moves mountains.Everybody has their mountains. I hope to share my life with you here and the aspirations of my soul. Hope you have beautiful little friday.